Uniques: increased drop rates of quivers. Chrysaor: reduced chance he will drop two uniques. Shadowgate Totems: now drop sets half of the time. Sets: slightly increased drop chance overall. Sets: reduced ilvl of regular Sets to 115, you can find them in some terror uberquests now. Disabled going to previous stage on the following levels: Bremmtown (increased difficulty to match) Lower Kurast, Kurast Bazaar and Upper Kurast. The Secret Cow Level (increased difficulty to match) Duncraig (increased difficulty to match) Furthermore, reduced densities of the following levels even more: Reduced all level densities by 33% on all difficulties. Fixed the messed up sound environments. Fixed change where I accidentally increased health per level/vitality and base block to the Assassin instead of Druid. Trap Rat Form: now correctly displays up to 3000 health. Trader's Chest: no longer spawns with required level of 666. Sudden Death: fixed screaming eagle proc. Elemental stones now properly work with runemaster. Finally fixed Time Strike proc on Segnitia, Dyers Eve and Inarius' Rock.

Direct compatibility with The Sin War realm (for D2SE users). Global reduction of effects on skills (see below). Global level density reduction (see below). Want to download a 1-MB version of this patch instead?