A tell-tale giggle, which sounds like the tinkling of tiny silver bells, often alerts potential victims to the presence of invisible Faerie Dragons. ( Okay… NOW, I’m insulted! We do NOT take EVERY opportunity to “wreak mischief.” Only on those who deserve it!) Though many of these pranks are spontaneous, months of preparation can go into a single, spectacular practical joke. We’re just seen more often with pixies and sprites because they know how to PAR-TAY!)įaerie Dragons take advantage of every opportunity to wreak mischief on passers-by, frequently using forest creatures to help in their pranks. ( Actually, we live with whomever we choose! We ARE all powerful after all. Also, not ALL of us can swim, but we all love to dive… It helps in our aerial tricks.) They often live in the company of a group of pixies or sprites. ( Okay, we can forgive the humans for this little flaw… They’re only human after all… Of COURSE we live in trees… Preferably apple trees… It’s just easier to get at’em that way… However, not all of us are that fortunate. ( Well, duh!?! We ARE part fey after all! Sheesh…)įaerie Dragons make their lairs in the hollows of high trees, preferably near a pond or stream, because they are quite fond of swimming and diving. ( We’re still hunting down whoever let THAT secret out…) They speak their own languages, along with the language of sprites, pixies, elves, and the birds and animals in their area. ( Of course! More proof that females are more valuable!)Īll Faerie Dragons can communicate telepathically with one another at a distance of up to two miles. ( Or whenever they feel like being fashionable with a new trend.) The hides of females have a golden tinge that sparkles in sunlight males have a silver tinge. ( In other words… PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER… In an industrial-sized package!) Their colors range through the spectrum, changing from the red of a hatchling to the black of a great wyrm. ( Well, not really… We actually thrive on apples!)įaerie Dragons resemble miniature dragons with thin bodies, long prehensile tails, gossamer butterfly wings, and hug smiles. Human Legend: A chaotic offshoot of the pseudo-dragon ( though we all know this is not true), the Faerie Dragon lives in peaceful, tangled forests and thrives on pranks, mischief, and practical jokes.